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Month: July 2020

What Did You Want To be…

… when you grew up?  That’s a question for the ages, isn’t it?  I know very few people who when we talk about our past, our careers and lives as parents or grandparents have said what happened were just what they envisioned as a child, teenager or young adult. It sure as hell didn’t happen that way for me. Although my childhood was so strange that I can’t remember ever even dreaming along those lines and I’m sure many other people can say the same thing. First off we probably have to qualify what ‘grown up’ is. Is it when…


Huh, Go Figure…

Two Christmases ago my wife presented me with one of those “23andMe” genetic testing kits so that we could get an idea of, I suppose, who and what I actually am. Not being all that thrilled with her present at the time the test kit went up on a shelf in my closet and sat there for a year or so. Months later on she asked if I had ever used it. I hadn’t so I went upstairs, brought it down, did the test sampling and posted it the next morning. About two weeks later 23andMe sent back my genetic…


Well… Hello Again!

You would think that if someone was to begin a blog as to have something to do with their time and creative energy during a pandemic it would take place in the beginning of sheltered in place time and not in the middle or, hopefully, near the end of it. But that’s logical and logic is not something I’m know to have as a strength. However, after developing and writing a highly successful blog (The Pitt POV about Pitt football) from 2016 until last year I figured I’d jump right back into it. Now it’s that time. This blog will…